Next appointment is August 27. The past few days I have had moments where I have felt better than I have since week 7, but the times where I do feel sick, it seems worse than it has been the past several weeks. Maybe because it's just more of a difference, when before it was just consistently having a feeling of nausea. I'm hoping that since it seems to be changing, maybe the ickiness is on it's way out completely...?
Here's what's going on with little Green Bean. He or she is 2 1/2 inches long, not counting legs, and is basically fully formed. We now have a fetus, and the critical period of development is safely behind us! Yay!

And here I am with my "food belly" as my sister lovingly calls it. I have to eat every hour or two so I don't get sick, so this is what has happened as a result... Although Steven keeps reminding me that my uterus is now like 3 times bigger than it was, so it has to be pushing stuff around in there, right? Let's go with that for now...