Monday, September 14, 2009


So, we had our ultrasound at the doctor today, after he told me I was measuring big at the last appointment. Turns out, I just apparently eat too much ice cream. Everything is fine, and the normal size for 18 weeks, 4 days. :) He looked at all sorts of stuff like the left and right ventricular output tracks, and kidneys, diaphragm, stomach, spinal cord, and cerebellum, etc etc. The big news of the day is... It's a girl! He was 100% certain. He said they probably saw the umbilical cord before and assumed it was a boy.

Steven and I couldn't do anything but laugh when he told us that. In a way, it seems right this way. I've always thought it was a girl, and Steven is excited to have his Daddy's little girl.

I had started our registry online, and filled it with all kinds of boy stuff, and now I'm hesitant to go back and change it. I almost want to wait until she's born to make sure nobody switches things on us again...

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