Monday, October 12, 2009

So I went to the physical therapist this morning, and surprise! I DO have tendonitis. Shocker. He gave me some exercises to do at home and wants me to keep icing it and come back next week and then probably one more time after that the following week. He says it will go away, and is probably due to the pregnancy and my weight distribution changing and all that fun stuff. He also recommended at least through the end of the pregnancy, that I continue wearing my not cute Nike running shoes, since they actually provide a little support. He also mentioned that my ankle ligaments are very loose (also probably due to pregnancy hormones) and that I am now prone to rolling my ankles. A little scary considering how off balance I seem these days anyways. So, I will just have to be careful and try to hold on to things when I can.

Steven finally felt her kick the other night!! I was laying in bed on my side and I was really feeling her on the side I was laying on. I put his hand where I was feeling her and rolled over a little so the weight of my stomach was pressing on his hand and she cooperated and he was able to feel a few good strong kicks. During this time I was also feeling more regular smaller movements, so I wonder if maybe she had the hiccups? Would I be able to feel that this early? She has not since cooperated for Daddy, but I know he will get lots more in the next couple of months. It's so exciting! I'm feeling really good, I love feeling her move and kick, people can tell I'm pregnant and not just fat, and it's almost Halloween. :) Life is good...

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