Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our baby girl dressed up for her first Halloween! She was our adorable little pumpkin!

And here's a little video of her moving and shaking. I know this is probably nothing, and it's going to get a lot crazier in the next coming weeks, but for now it's really exciting! You can only really see kicks for about the first 15 seconds. After that, it's just Steven playing Bejeweled. Nothing unusual around here... :)

This past week has been a little rough for me and the baby girl. We have actually made 2 trips to Labor and Delivery due to some abdominal cramping/pain issues. They hooked me up to the monitors both times, saw a couple little "blips" as they called them, and said I have an "irritable uterus" which means that it just tenses up randomly for no apparent reason. Not real contractions, and I guess they aren't really concerned yet, because we have yet to see an actual doctor while we're there. The second time they did a test where they can screen for the presense of a certain protein that would mean I would deliver in the next 2 weeks. It came back negative, which is good since I am only 25 weeks still! But both times they said the baby looks good and happy in there, which is reassuring.

My next appointment is not until next week, so the nurse the last time suggested I try to move the appointment up to this week just so we could talk to the doctor and try to get some answers. For now my only instructions have been to drink lots of water (I already do, I don't want swine flu) and try not to be on my feet too much. It seems to me at this point that it's just the way my body is handling the pregnancy, and I'm going to have this pain until she's born. If that's really all it is, I'm fine with that and can deal with the pain, as long as she's safe and I can keep her in. I just would like to know that it is not indicative of something else to come. So we'll see what the doctor says...

Man, that was kind of a downer, huh? I should have finished off with the kicking video...

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